By Magda Lesniak / 2 kwietnia, 2021 Few, a few, little, a little Complete the sentences with the correct expression - few, a few, little or a little. 1. I have close friends. I'm so lonely. 2. Sorry, I can't pay for your ticket, I've got money. 3. I didn't enjoy the party. There were people that I knew. 4. Tom didn't drink all the coke. There's left. 5. Jane gave us apples from her garden. Let's share. 6. May I have more coffee, please? 7. Let's meet when we have time. 8. I have very time, so I can't help you. 9. Jack feels that his life is boring. He's had adventures. 10. I need to talk to you. Do you have minutes? 11. There are people she really trusts. That's a bit sad. 12. He has education. He can't read or write. 13. I can do nearly all this work myself; I need help. 14. She has self-confidence. She has a lot of trouble talking to strangers. 15. Almost nobody wants to visit this country, so very people go there. Loading...